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For every Elle cup purchased online, we will donate one to a women or girl in impoverished areas affiliated with us

Elle disinfectant Spray

ELLE Cup is a soft reusable menstrual cup worn internally just like a tampon except it collects menstrual flow instead of absorbing it


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Our clinically formulated disinfectant spray is proven to prevent as well as treat bacterial related infections. Each spray completely disinfects your Elle Cup with 2-3 sprays after the cup has been rinsed. After your Elle Cup has been disinfected, store it in your transparent antibacterial container to ensure it remains free of dust and it is in a safe place.

Once your Elle Cup has been sprayed, the Elle disinfectant solution will remain active on your Elle Cup for 30 days. It is recommended to use the spray between uses if you do not have access to water to rinse your Elle Cup.


Additional information

Weight 0.05 kg

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