Your period.
In this day and age, it’s important that we have adequate and insightful information about our sexual health, our periods and the similarities between the two.
Do any of these things surprise you?
Do you think you know all that there is to know about your menstrual cycle?
Us women have more or less 450 periods during our lifetimes, which means that we have plenty of times (and cycles) to learn all there is to know about it. Why then, do we not take the opportunity to learn more about our cycles, and what they are telling us, rather than just trying to forget about them all together. More often than not, women simply want to forget about their periods, and oftentimes, don’t track their cycles. This often leads to our period rocking up when we least expect it.
Did you know these five interesting facts about your period?
1. You can get pregnant during your period
One of the most misleading stories that have been told is that it is impossible to fall pregnant during your period. However, this is not true. Just because you are on your period and you think that the lining of your uterus is falling out, which it is, there is still a pretty big possibility that you will fall pregnant depending on your ovulation cycle.
2. The period you get while on the pill isn’t a ‘true’ period
Yep. You read that right. When we get our periods and we are religiously taking our little pink pill each day, the off days where the placebo pills kick in, isn’t a normal or natural period. “Real” periods are associated with ovulation, and since contraceptive pills don’t allow for us women to ovulate when using them, it means that the period we get when on the pill is too, a placebo period.
3. Your period changes throughout your life
You may have a heavy period now and think that this is it. You’re going to have to use super jumbo tampons for the rest of your life and suffer with really bad cramps. But here is the good news: Your period changes. When I was younger, I had a super heavy period and had to use 2 super jumbo tampons at the same time. Yes. TWO. AT THE SAME TIME! So you can imagine how happy I was when I first started using a menstrual cup and didn’t have to worry about leaking all the time. Not to mention how much money I could save. But anyways, back to the point. Now, I am 25 and have a very regular and pretty light flow. This is because hormones change over the years and are even largely dependent on the foods we eat, the amount of exercise we do, as well as specifically, how much dairy we consume. Yep, dairy is a big one!
4. Tampons and pads aren’t your only choices
For a long time, I thought tampons and sanitary pads were my only options. I hated wearing sanitary pads because they made me feel like I was wearing a nappy. Second of all, I could smell myself on my own period, and I hated that. So tampons really were the only option for me… until I found out about menstrual cups and it really changed my life. Hence why Elle Cup was created. But if menstrual cups aren’t for you, there are also other options that exist as well as IUD’s which pretty much take away your periods all together.
5. PMS is still a mystery
One of the things we will never understand is Premenstrual syndrome. For me, I get super emotional. I do not get moody or grumpy, but instead I could cry at any given second. This is just because of our emotions. Each one of us are different and we need to learn more about ourselves during this time of the month (and just before) to make sure that we are giving ourselves some good old self love at the end of the day. After all, this will also help those around us too ;).
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Source: WebMD